june juice

what does that say about me?

if food falls on my clothes, on the table, on the chopping board, on a clean surface, or if it's a dry food. it will go straight to my mouth. not even a second there, i will take it and pop it in my mouth.

there goes your brain coming up with the type of person i am from that mere microscopic information.

it's cool how that happens doesn't it? we absorb, take in everything with us knowing, with us seeking, or unknowing, we absorb things that your brain creates a formula or recipe of sorts to help you navigate the world... interesting how the mind works.

i wrote this because a leaf from my salad fell on my cardigan. i raised my arm to my mouth, inhaling the leaf and munch on it. like a child who eats crumbs that fell on their shirt after tipping the packet of crisps they monched on. i was that type of child.

type of person
type of child

type type type categories tick boxes and the sort.

silly humans.