june juice

they're visiting the dreams of the living

this blog will be a heavy read. please do not continue to read if you do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consume such topic. there will be mentions of blood, bombing, and death.

i had a nightmare a few nights ago, June 9.

in my dream, i was walking on the sidewalk in the middle of the city. i remember it being very foggy. so foggy that you can only see things three steps away from you. there weren't any lights in the city. no streetlight was on or the inside of the shops around. just grey and fog. it looked like it was late in the afternoon, and it was eerie. while walking, i saw a wrecked car beside the road but didn't think much about it.

i saw a friend along the way and chatted with them a bit. while we were talking, i noticed this woman ahead of us, behind a streetlight, just standing behind it. me and my friend walked past this woman then we stopped to chat on the side. i noticed the woman now staring at us. just staring while standing behind the streetlight. we ignored her. my friend decided to 'speed up the time' because she can't stand the woman just staring at us. she had an ipad on hand, watching a video from a cctv camera of the street we're at, she dragged the bar under the video across the screen and she says "this lady will eventually move and charge towards this direction". my friend seemed to be conflicted about whether or not to give me her ipad or not, eventually she took it with her and left.

with what my friend said in mind, i entered the shop near me. upon entering, i hid on the wall beside the door so i could see the woman outside from the reflection of the door. someone approached me and motioned me to move back as she closed the door. i noticed there were a few of us in this shop, four people. when the door closed, sure enough, there was the woman behind the frosted door. standing.

i saw another door slightly open leading outside. i told them we could go out through that door but we were stopped by someone. she said we couldn't. we have to wait 'til 12. i assumed there was an alarm of sorts that would go off if we did so. later on we started counting down 3... 2... 1...

as soon as i stepped out of the door my vision went grayscale and i could not hear anything. not even the ringing in your ear when it's so quiet. it's almost as if the world were muted. i remember i was wailing and crying, so were the few people i was with. then, it felt like i was seeing memories flash before my eyes. i saw a wall. when you enter a cave and the walls have water running down? that but blood. then i see a car on fire. i remembered that a few people including myself used that car to rescue children... but we were bombed. the children died and somehow we "survived"?

i woke up panicking, my heartbeat was racing and i started having crazy thoughts that our house would get bombed. i didn't want to go back to sleep, afraid that the nightmare would continue or i'll get another nightmare . i started praying and fell asleep praying.

let peace fall upon earth

let prayers be heard

let souls find peace and light

regardless of your religion and beliefs. keep them in your thoughts. do what you can but also look after yourself.

there's too much injustice to their deaths; they're visiting the dreams of the living.