june juice

one of the very few days that come

feeling happy today.

for one i have finished all of the my exams. an end of an academic year. i feel so FREE for now, free from the shackles of uni. i won't think about it until i can. the break won't last long but thank god for breaks. anyways, that's over. i feel like i've reached the top hiking up carrying a bag of rocks and i just dropped the bag on the ground.

i did some tidying around my space since i didn't get the chance to do so before taking my exam. and also because i worked out before i took the exam. literally the time we start i just finished working out, i felt light headed, my fingers couldn't hit the right keys misspelling a lot, but it was fine later on. then took a shower, it's disgusting thinking i sat in my sweat while taking an exam. washing away my worries and stress for uni. oh and my brother bought me boba when he was out. deserved reward for being done with uni.

currently playing move by adam port, et al. it's a typical british club beat but it encapsulates today's mood.

i feel so productive today. i read 30 pages of the book i'm reading. it was just 10 minutes. but the print of the book had bigger margins and font so i shouldn't be surprised. the book is not as good as anything i've read, in fact probably the lowest in my current selection of books, but still readable. the book is set in the later time of covid, when the restrictions start to ease. i can't get a proper feel of it yet. the book sounds like drama comedy. or not idk.

at last his head was in the basin. everyone wanted him to drown

if this was how he talked to his penis, no wonder it was reluctant to be charmed

just because you want them doesn't mean you can have them
