june juice

movie soundtrack overgrown grass and sea

i recently watched a film titled monster (2023). directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda, screenplay by Yuji Sakamoto and soundtrack by Ryuichi Sakamoto. i will write a film review later on, but i really liked the soundtrack and have been listening to it ever since.

that's what i had been listening to through my earphones, while waiting for the bus, looking outside, and taking pictures. the leaves from the trees were a gorgeous almost neon green from the sunlight. that's what i mostly took photos of.

i was sat at the very front on top of a double decker bus. i don't usually sit there, but that day i did since i had my camera with me. it would be easier to take photos if there's nothing in front of me, plus the wide windowpane. it's honestly cool. i take mundane experiences like this for granted. if you think about it, being at the very front seat on top of a double decker bus, you're like in a simulation. like those car games in arcades.

i took a few snaps here and there, constantly fiddling with the shutter speed, aperture, and iso since the weather is sunny, but littered with dark clouds. so imagine a dial being turned clockwise and counterclockwise, like you would in a speaker volume, from the lowest volume to the max. that but with the sky. strong bright light from the sun, turning everything almost white, and the sudden gloom from the dark clouds.

later, i turned the camera off, not seeing anything that itches my finger to take a photo of, and rested it on my lap. just looking outside.

there i notice it.

the overgrown grass on the field, flowing from the wind, shining from the sun.

a whole field of overgrown green grass. it looked like water from the sea. the smooth ripples on the surface of the water, the same reflecting shine from the sun. i only saw it for a short time, few seconds before the bus turned. i kept my eye on the field, taking in as much as i can see, turning my head, but not ridiculously enough to look at the back that i'm met with a few pairs of eyes. that would be awkward.

though it was only a few seconds, it felt longer. watching the slow movement of the grass curving and flicking from the wind like the surface of the water at sea.