june juice

back on my favorite hobby

the sound when i lightly press the shutter button feels like a happy coin being dropped in my heart.

my friend let me borrow his camera in taking photos for an event, i held it comfortably in my hand and took photos and he said "wow you do have a knack for this" i realised then that it's been awhile since i held my camera and took photos.

so i took my camera today to take photos when i was out. no goal in mind, just taking photos that interests me. i mainly gravitate towards nature. flowers especially but i take photos of almost anything, not much of people though, i try to hide them in my photos behind an object, a silhouette of theirs, or as long as their faces are covered. if i do, i take photos of the people i know and i just send them their photos later on. my city doesn't offer much interesting places to take photos of. we often have gloomy skies. i tried to take photos today still. i watched other photography composition videos on youtube in the past few days. the ones who take photos with overcast skies often edit it in black and white, or use black and white film. i personally lean more into color than black and white when i take photos. it's a bit tricky for me for now. i haven't studied or tried shoots solely for black and white.

it's been awhile since i head out with my camera. i forgot how heavy cameras can be. whether it be holding it in my hands or in my camera bag and i feel a dull ache on my shoulder. i also needed a few practice shots to get used to the adjusting the iso, aperture, and shutter speed and focus for almost every shot. i like taking photos on manual since i have more control of how the photo will turn out.

though i didn't take much photos today, i'm sure i'll be heading out more with my camera at hand.

it was nice to know that i still felt the same for this hobby of mine.