june juice

back from a trip

took a week long trip to london to meet new people and do one of the other things i love doing for myself. dancing. a whole week of dancing, learning from amazing dancers from around the world, and meeting people who share the same interest and passion in dancing as me.

i just got back and still need a couple of days to fall right back to my usual routine. it won't be long until i have to go somewhere again but, the it's in the in betweens that's a bit awkward. i try to fall back into routine only to be disrupted again. only to change it later on, start to figure it out and get used to. a new routine.

going back, the in betweens. it's when i get the time to unpack everything that has happened on a trip. by literally unpacking my stuff (which i haven't yet) placing them where they belong, doing the laundry, fold them, hang them back to their place. i don't have the full energy to tackle the literal unpacking yet. maybe it's also my way of trying to prolong the feeling of the trip. i also start to think and unpack emotions, thoughts, feelings, i had during the trip. i started doing so when i was on the plane back to my city. a beautiful pink sunset above the soft white blanket of clouds, i picture my new friends waving at me with smiles on their faces. i miss them. tears well on my eyes.

but i wiped a tear off my face, sniffed, wore my cap, the plane landed and i go to the baggage claim, drove home, ate, changed, went to sleep.

i woke up with a hole in my heart. it's not a permanent one, a temporary hole. i can't believe i'm back in my small town when i was just with the best people for a week straight, dancing and having fun. what do you mean i'm back in my mundane life. i was having so much fun i'm upset that i'm back.

it doesn't last though. the upset feeling. but it's a normal reaction when you had something that's now gone. you can always go back to it. even if you wish it was longer, you can always go back.

i'll write more about my trip. what i learned, realisations, whatever comes to mind. these are just my initial thoughts.