june juice

angry clouds and god's kingdom

the weather’s weird. it’s sunny but it’s raining. it stops and then it goes. it’s rain, then it’s hail. the sun takes a peek and goes. the cars create big splashes and waves on the sidewalks. sitting on top of a double decker while it’s hailing hurts the ears. it’s so high pitched it almost felt like my eardrums are about to burst. but my eyes are amused of the melting patters on the window with the view outside that the water creates as it cascades down the sides of the bus from the roof. the clouds are grey and dark on one side and the other is god’s kingdom with gigantic and majestic white clouds framing a blue sky in the middle. i’m glad i wore the right shoes. but definitely not the right jacket. forgot to mention the loud thuds coming from the bottom. loud thuds under us or the bus. also the static and lagging voice announcing the stops. the air is humid. pretty sure my back has engraved the pattern on my knitted top that i’m wearing. the weather fooled most of us. many are drenched. i’m pretty sure someone fell in love. it’s fun to play in the rain. it doesn’t always happen. and you seldomly get the chance to do so.