june juice

10,000 steps ... a day

i looked at the health app on my phone and saw my 'steps history' a year ago i averaged 4k steps, 2 years ago it was probably more since i walked a lot because i go to and from work and uni everyday. lately, it's 2k.

i looked at my daily steps a few weeks ago and my first thought was "that's bad". i only have less than 200 steps a day. i literally got up and went out for a 2 hour long walk and only did 6k steps. i mean that's better to less than 200 steps.

since then i've been trying to go out to go on walks. i was consistent at first, aiming at least more than 5k a day. it only lasted 4 days before the routine i was slowly getting used to was disrupted. during this time though i probably walk 2 to 3 hours a day and at night i check how many steps i did and the maximum i'd reach is 8k. i thought, "how do people reach 10k a day?" 10k a day is like taking a hike everyday. it felt impossible.

it is possible if you do a lot of daily errands, or incorporate walking to your daily routine. lately though, when i get the opportunity for more steps, i take it.

i've began to be more health conscious lately. since i'm in this part of my life where i want to focus more on myself. both internal and external. more self reflections, self realisations, and also check if i am taking care of my body well. which, this type of self care is not something that i am used to yet. though, i am starting to be more aware of my thoughts, feelings, and also the needs of my body. exercise, nourishment, to keep my body in shape to avoid getting sick and i also know that it greatly affects with my mental health.

speaking of, i have noticed how my body isn't as "fit" as it was. i easily catch sickness. i mean there are things to consider, mainly my eating habits and barely any physical movement. no wonder my body is barely functioning at it's best.

anyways. i aim to take care of myself better from now on.

going back to steps.

it's not a firm or strict goal i give myself to


not like that, i saw how bad it was and it's a small nudge to myself. more like

you saw how bad it was, more steps is better than nothing

small steps are still steps.
small progress is still progress.